Monday, December 10, 2018

Sharon Renee Cole's Curriculum Vitae

Sharon Renee Cole
8534 N.W. 40th Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32653
(267) 249-2611,

Personal Summary
I’ve sat between two worlds for a lifetime, witnessing disparities between single-parent households and those with two. Those who had less money and resources, and those who had more. With this comes a certain lens, an understanding, about those who struggle to get a leg up in this world more so than others. This is who I am. With this perspective comes a desire to teach and educate certain populations at least one way to raise themselves up in the world--better composition and writing. It worked for me. Writing did. I was able to find my own, unique voice and a clarity of mind I didn’t have before. I intend to impart this skill and wisdom upon those I teach.

Teaching Philosophy Summarized
“Can you see me?” When it comes to pedagogy in the classroom, this question is first and foremost in my mind when reaching students. I wish for all students to be seen, metaphorically in a way, by me first.This way I can better understand what excites and motivates them into action so that I can customize assignments, lesson plans and methodology accordingly. It’s been my observation that so many students are overlooked or misunderstood, and without a strong foundation in effective communication through the written word these very same students could be hindered along the way. It is my mission to change that by actively engaging students in dialogue, constructive criticism and critical thinking in a safe and exhilarating way through activities and assignments allowing students to realize the intelligence they already possess. Through my philosophy, which incorporates Dialogic Pedagogy and the John Dewey theory, I intend to motivate students to self actualize, to realize their fullest potential.

Diversity Statement
Diverging from the classical literary canon, introducing writers from all races, creeds, genders, sexual orientations, and religious and cultural beliefs. Incorporating creative lessons--from creative writing and basic composition to journalism, memoir and essay--and addressing and engaging everyone in the classroom, this is how I wish to convey inclusion and equity in the classroom. A few authors on my students’ reading list: Mavis Gallant, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Gloria Naylor, Michelle Tea, Raymond Barrio, and Thomas Pynchon. Maybe Armistead Maupin for fun. My own education reached outside of the classical literary canon to include such diverse voices. And, I can’t go without saying that my high school  graduation class of 1988 was the first to usher in desegregation in New Castle County, Delaware. Bussing for us began in the fourth grade. We as third graders experienced picketing just prior. This expanded my world view, opening me up to so many other people, cultures and practices. In addition, I’ve worked with, trained and/ or volunteered for various non-profits serving many populations--at-risk, the disenfranchised and disadvantaged.

Bachelor of Arts English Literature, Concentration in Business and Technical Writing
Master of Fine Arts, Creative Nonfiction Writing, The New School, New York
Paul C. Coverdell Scholarship, The New School, New York.
Selected to read essay for the First Person Arts Association Salon Series, Aquafresh is OK, I’d Use Aquafresh, Philadelphia
Honorable Mention for Newark Post article Success is Sweet for Graduating Mom
Former Member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors Association
National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association member (former member)

10-Minute Teaching Demo for Valencia College-Poinciana Campus
Topic: Evaluating Source Material for credibility and timeliness and Examining the Inherent Bias of Author.

Additional Studies:
Microbiology, Organic Chemistry, Food Science and Logic

Was it Happenstance or the Divine? A Critical Analysis of Terri Jentz’ Strange Piece of Paradise (2015, The New School, NY)

Self-Published Materials (Pseudonyms Used for Some)
Duplicity and Duress: Snap Factories in the Making by Erin Vans--a fictional account of a horrendous experience one survivor, one targeted individual, experienced without ever having knowingly done anything to deserve it.
The Strange Bouquet by S.R. Coleyon--Creepy cars stalking, puppet masters, Hallmark cards and Sir David Attenborough were carefully selected and placed into this very unusual and incredibly curious collection of written works. It asks the question: what exactly are people born into?
Swan Song of the Sample Lady by Bad Dog Coleyon--A tribute to my mother who was employed as a food sample lady at Sam’s Club post-retirement. The book shines a both a humorous and intense light on the inner workings of food sampling in a bulk, warehouse entity that is run by the Walmart Empire.
Milk and Pea Oppression by Sharon R. Cole--A tongue-and-cheek essay written from the perspective of a young adult examining how the patriarch created vegetable hate throughout the typical American family.
Noticing the Big Picture: Long-term Ramifications as Seen Through a Sort of Mustard Seed Philosophy by S.R. Coleyon--takes readers on a ride through the galaxy, on a car trip down Interstate 95, into the dark recesses of a torn apart family, through a fight for life over death and into unknown territory with The Watching Machine. The essays are as connected as they are varied.
Generation ACD—A blog addressing issues of adult children of divorce
The Reverse Half Moon--a blog journaling my way back into a personal yogic journey.

Sat on a Panel for the National Lesbian and Gay Journalist Association (NLGJA) Conference in Philadelphia
Privately tutored students seeking help with written assignments, Community College of Philadelphia
Nonfiction writing group and Spoken Word, Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania
Co-Facilitator for a workshop on cycles of violence for Women In Transition
Journal Writing Workshop Instructor for women in shelters
Weight Watchers Leader in Newark, Delaware
Resident Assistant for International Students, University of Delaware
WHYY, NPR, Intern, Wilmington, Delaware
Study Abroad in Switzerland for International Relations via University of Delaware
Women in Transition Advocate, completing more than 80 hours of domestic violence training before serving as an on-staff advocate.

UFLAW the University of Florida Law Alumni magazine (writer), Curve magazine (writer), Big Shout (Writer), The Legal Intelligencer (proofreader), Health Pulse Magazine (managing editor), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (writer), (columnist), (writer), Wolters/Kluwer, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (editor), Erickson Retirement Communities (creative/writer), The News Journal (Wilmington, DE) (writer, photographer), Book Business (writer), Print Media (writer), Inside Direct Mail (writer), Freedom Massage (editor).

Employment, On-Staff
Promotional Marketing Magazine and Business, Forms & Labels Magazine (senior editor) North American Publishing Company, Philadelphia, PA, Newark Post (staff reporter), Newark, DE.

Internships & Volunteerism
WHYY (Wilmington, DE), First Person Arts Organization (Philadelphia, PA)
Habitat for Humanity International Volunteer (Kenya) Philadelphia D.A. Youth Aid Panel volunteer, 2002 to 2006, 16th District (Philadelphia), ProjectSAFE, Philadelphia.

Book Lists for Curriculum:
Best of Slate : A 10th Anniversary Anthology, edited by David Plotz, True Stories, Well Told from the First 20 Years of Creative Nonfiction Magazine by Lee Gutkind and Hattie Fletcher, Paris Stories, by Mavis Gallant, The Women of Brewster Place by Gloria Naylor, The Plum, Plum Pickers by Raymond Barrio, On Writing Well by William Zinsser, Olivia by Ian Falconer, The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon, American Pastoral by Philip P. Roth, Running with The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Valencia by Michelle Tea.

Personal Studies of Interest:
All God’s Children: The Bosket Family and the American Tradition of Violence by Fox Butterfield, Strange Piece of Paradise by Terri Jentz, The Body Never Lies by Alice Miller, Emotional Blackmail: When People in Your Life Use Fear, Obligation, and Guilt to Manipulate You by Susan Forward, Ph.D., IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black, The Untouched Key by Alice Miller, Devil in the White City by Erik Larson, The Creative Nonfiction Police? by Lee Gutkind, The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon, and The Gate of Angels by Penelope Fitzgerald, Paris Stories by Mavis Gallant.

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Self-Published Books -- Links

SHARON RENEE COLE Self-Published Works Duplicity and Duress: Snap Factories in the Making by Erin Vans (pseudonym) Milk...